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Samuel Alejandro Monclou Salcedo
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Medellín
Environmental Engineer, specialist in preservation and conservation of natural resources - UPB Colombia. Diploma in Project Management with emphasis on PMI. Currently candidate for Master in Engineering. Research fellow at Colciencias - Gobernación de Santander, Colombia. Research experience in biotechnology and nanotechnology applied to agroindustrial processes, treatment of fungal diseases and analysis of environmental, social and economic impacts.
Sandra Natalia Correa Torres
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
PhD. She received a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad Industrial de Santander Colombia (2001). In 2005 he received a master's degree in Chemistry from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. He received his doctorate degree in Applied Chemistry from the same university (2012). From 2006 to the present he has been an internal teacher of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana-Bucaramanga. The research of interest is focused on topics of Biotechnology, Soil Remediation, Nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology in environmental problems, Phytoremediation of water and soil, Environmental Chemistry, Renewable Energy. Participates in academic agreements with institutions such as Ecopetrol, University of Cartagena, University of Puerto Rico.
María Irene Kopytko
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
Chemical engineer (Polytechnic University of Krakow - Poland), specialist in environmental chemistry and water chemistry, and master's degree in environmental chemistry (Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS). PhD in ecological engineering (University of Ostrava - Czech Republic). Experience of more than 25 years as a research teacher in the areas of general, organic, environmental and water chemistry. Experience in research in fields such as biotechnology, water treatment, bioremediation of soils and waters contaminated with hydrocarbons, organochlorine pesticides, heavy metals and other persistent pollutants in the environment.
Claudia Santoyo Muñóz
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
Bachelor in Biology and specialist in Environmental Microbiology. Research professor for more than 20 years in areas such as biology, microbiology, biodiversity, ecology and society, biochemistry. Research areas in soil and water bioremediation, water phytoremediation, biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles and applied biotechnology.
Diana Marcela Vesga Guzmán
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
Environmental Engineering - UPB, Diploma in Environmental Management - ISO 14001 of 2015. Research experience in biotechnological applications for the treatment of fungal diseases in African oil palm crops.
Rubi Castellares Lozano
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
Environmental Engineer-UPB. With nine years of experience in handling hazardous waste generated in chemistry laboratory practices, at the UPB. One year experience in Italcol SCA as laboratory assistant. Two years of experience in SIAMA LTDA as a Laboratory Analyst. Diploma in university teaching. Research experience in biotechnological applications for the identification and treatment of fungal organisms and their environmental applications.
Marialejandra López Amaris
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga
Environmental Engineer -UPB. Student of specialization in the handling of Hazardous Waste. -CPU. Experience in environmental licensing procedures, and Operation and Administration of sanitary and / or hospital waste incineration plants. Research experience in biotechnological applications for the identification and treatment of fungal organisms and their environmental applications.
Adriana Patricia Herrera Barros
Universidad de Cartagena
Chemical Engineer (Universidad del Atlántico), Master's and Doctorate in Chemical Engineering, and post-doctorate in functional nanomaterials (University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez). Head of the Chemical Engineering program at the University of Cartagena. Teacher and associate researcher in areas such as general and organic chemistry, unit operations, materials science - instrumentation and characterization, nanotechnology and its applications in the environment-energy-biomedicine. Lines of research in antimicrobial and antimicrobial nanomaterials, nanotechnology for the development of alternative energies, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and nanomedicine. Acknowledgments: Young Puerto Rico Scientist Award, Puerto Rico Science, Technology, and Research Trust - June 2007 Merck Health Innovation Award: First place at the Science and Engineering Research Category, Merck Sharp & Dohme Laboratories - August 2008 Fellowship from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN), Institute of Functional Nanomaterials - August 2007 First Place Graduate Poster Award American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE), American Institute of Chemical Engineerings - November 2004 EnterPRize Business Plan Competition, Grupo Guayacan - December 2009
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