In vitro protein breakdown by enzyme extracts of rumen origin: comparison with methods in situ and proteases of Streptomyces griseus.
Proteolytic activity of enzymatic extracts generated from rumen microorganisms cultivated in vitro was evaluated. The incubation of rumen fluid used different substrates to generate a higher enzyme concentration and promote a broad spectrum of hydrolytic activity. The composition of the substrates used in the cultivation of the fluid was enriched in protein, starch or cell wall. Enzyme preparations were evaluated by incubating in 30 mL of buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.5) at 39 ºC during 48 hours, 100 mg of crude protein from feeds soybean meal, canola meal, sunflower meal, gluten feed, dehydrated alfalfa meal, berseem clover, oat forage and perennial ryegrass. Enzyme extracts from cultivated rumen fluid showed an average protein breakdown of 75.5%, in eight feed samples tested. This value was very close to that measured with the technique of proteases from Streptomyces griseus (74.6% CP), but significantly lower (P≤0.05) than the one obtained by the in situ methodology (84.8% CP). The technique with extracted rumen enzymes showed higher level of proteolysis in the early hours of incubation (6 H) compared to the other techniques. These results suggest that the enzyme preparations of ruminal origin have the ability to predict degradability of feed proteins in the rumen, particularly in the first phase when most of proteins are hydrolyzed and become available for microbial utilization.
Se evaluó la actividad proteolítica de extractos enzimáticos generados a partir de microorganismos ruminales cultivados in vitro. Esta incubación de fluido ruminal se realizó con diferentes sustratos por separado con el objeto de generar una mayor concentración enzimática y promover un amplio espectro de actividad hidrolítica. La composición de los sustratos empleados en el cultivo del fluido fueron enriquecidos en proteínas, almidones o paredes celulares. Los preparados enzimáticos fueron evaluados incubando en 30 mL de buffer Tris-HCl 50 mM (pH 6,5) a 39 ºC, durante 48h, 100 mg de proteína cruda de los alimentos afrecho de soya, afrecho de canola, afrecho de maravilla, harina de gluten de maíz, harina de alfalfa, trébol alejandrino, ballica perenne y avena forrajera. Las enzimas ruminales mostraron una degradación promedio de 75,5% de proteína cruda, considerando los ocho alimentos. Este valor fue muy similar al medido con la técnica proteasas de Streptomyces griseus (74,6% PC), pero significativamente menor (P≤0,05) al exhibido por la metodología in situ (84,8% PC). La técnica con extractos de enzimas ruminales mostró un nivel de proteolisis superior en las primeras horas de incubación (6 H) respecto al resto de las técnicas comparadas. Estos resultados permiten sugerir que los preparados enzimáticos de origen ruminal tienen la capacidad de predecir in vitro la degradabilidad de las proteínas de los alimentos en el rumen.